Commissioned Art
50 x 50 cm acrylic painting
Contemporary art portrait.
Yesterday a customer picked up her contemporary art portrait. I am happy to say that I was happy with my work and she was happy with the outcome.
The prices range according to the size of the painting and the type of paint used. The piece showed on the picture took me a total of 12 hours from initial contact with the customer up until delivery.
Your preferred specifications can range from your favorite topics, places, colors, themes, etc. My style does not include copying an exact picture. Creativity around the project characteristics creates the final outcome.
I first draw a black and white sketch of an idea, and if you like the creative approach, you can decide if I go ahead and work on the project.
The customer initially pays 25% of the cost of the entire project. The other 75% is payed when the art project is handed over from the artist to the customer.
If you would like to get your own commissioned art piece, send me a message to the telephone number +4676 3407783.
I look forward to talking to you.